How to take the quiz:

This quiz is written for new business builders, whether of a standalone startup or a new venture inside an existing corporation.

  • If you are currently a business builder, please answer each question as your authentic self, avoiding the temptation to answer as you hope others see you.
  • If you are not currently a founder, but hope to be one someday in the future, please imagine how your authentic self would answer each question if/when you do become a new business builder.
  • If you are curious about the Builder Personality of your boss or someone you know or work with, answer each question as you believe he or she would as described above.
1 I always knew I would start my own business one day
Neither Agree
nor Disagree
2 I consider luck and timing / market conditions to be one of the most important reasons for my success
3 I am more energized by selling vs. delivering the product / service
More energized
by selling
More energized
by delivering
4 When framing a problem, I rely mostly on the facts vs. I rely mostly on my intuition
Rely mostly on
the facts
Rely mostly on
my intuition
5 Our company culture strongly encourages experimentation
Neither Agree
nor Disagree
6 I inspire people to follow me primarily through my compassion / empathy
7 I consider the company as MY company vs. OUR company
My Company Our Company
8 I consider my management team / staff to be one of the most important reasons for my success
9 Most of my friends and colleagues would consider me a control freak
Neither Agree
nor Disagree
10 I don’t consider tough business decisions personal – I just see them as part of business
Neither Agree
nor Disagree
What is your gender? OPTIONAL
Which of the following best describes your role in the company? OPTIONAL
On average, what is the annual revenue for your business ($USD)? OPTIONAL
Which industry best describes the work your company does? OPTIONAL
What can we call you? OPTIONAL
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